Wednesday, February 4, 2009


This name is Mikey’s favorite. Culture would be a cafe focusing on pickles and plain yogurt. Foods that make your mouth pucker.

Mike just told me that it already exists in Chicago! I suddenly feel foolish- someone came up with the same idea as me, and beat me to it! I’m unoriginal and slow! But then I actually look at their website:

I guess I’m in the clear since I’m not planning on decorating my walls with dolphins that look like the oil stickers middle school girls collected in scrapbooks.

Also, are there actually cultures involved in pickling? Not so sure about the tie-in there.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like this name and it's double meaning. :)

    That said, i think i like the name you mentioned in the office yesterday better. (I won't mention it in this comment--I don't want to spoil future entries!)

    Just one question: Will you have women pictured in bikinis selling your souvenirs too? It's something to consider! ;)

  3. I think it would be super delicious! And you could make yogurt cheese, but call it by the Israeli name---which I think it was called Labane, because that sounds somewhat less disgusting than "yogurt cheese"
