Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New Beginnings

It is officially springtime, as evidenced by the wind tormenting the streets of SF (are those two supposed to go hand in hand?). I was lucky enough to celebrate the season with an afternoon of pea soup. Thanks to my little sister Dana who tried it on mom as part of Mother's Day dinner, I got my hands on a great recipe from Ina. Mom had bragged about its simplicity, and aside from the regular hangups associated with readying my cuisinart, it went off without a hitch.

So much green, with the silky leeks and plump peas! This is pre-puree, of course.

I actually used plain yogurt and a little sour cream that was taking up space in the fridge instead of the craime fraiche that ina so preciously asked for.

You may notice that this post is looking more like a Le Creuset ad than an homage to spring veggies. Today was my virgin voyage with my new dutch oven. This is another New Beginning, to a long relationship with my flame colored beauty.

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